Iowa Government Working Group to meet July 15

Monday - 07/13/2020

The Government Working Group of the Governor’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board will meet from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, July 15. The public is invited to attend.

The Government Working Group is led by Co-Chairs Emily Schmitt, General Counsel of Sukup Manufacturing Co., and Barbara Sloniker, Executive Vice President at the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, Kraig Paulsen, Director of the Iowa Department of Revenue, serves as Working Group Director.

The Government Working Group is one of the Governor’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board's seven working groups. Governor Reynolds established the Advisory Board on June 18 to “propel recovery efforts forward and position Iowa for growth.”

Schmitt said the charge of the Working Group is two-fold. First is to discuss ways Iowans (regardless of background, diversity, or geographical location) and Iowa businesses interact with state and local government. And second, to discuss how services should be provided by the divisions and subdivisions that reside in the state.

Sloniker added, “Iowans expect their government to operate with a citizen - and service-focused attitude; to operate in an effective and efficient manner, which meets or exceeds established benchmarks; and to be part of the solution and never an impediment to growth and prosperity.”

While there will not be an opportunity for public comment during Wednesday’s meeting, Iowans can provide ideas and feedback through the Governor’s website.

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