Iowa Lump-Sum Tax

Step Subject
Tax, Credits & Checkoff Contributions
Instruction Year

A lump-sum distribution occurs when, in one tax year, you receive the total balance from the pension or profit-sharing plan of an employer due to termination of employment, termination of the plan, or death of the employee.

Iowa lump-sum tax applies only if federal form 4972 was used to compute the federal tax on any portion of the lump-sum distribution. If there is no federal lump-sum tax, then there is no Iowa lump-sum tax.

Iowa Residents:

Enter 25% of the federal tax from federal form 4972 on the IA 1040, line 40. Include federal form 4972.

Part-Year Residents:

If a lump-sum distribution reported on federal form 4972 was received while an Iowa resident, 25% of the federal tax from form 4972 must be entered on line 40. Part-year residents who receive a lump-sum distribution while not an Iowa resident are not subject to Iowa lump-sum tax on that distribution. A copy of the federal form 4972 must be included.


Nonresidents receiving lump-sum distributions are not subject to Iowa lump-sum tax.

Married Separate Filers (including status 4):

Lump-sum tax is reported by the spouse who received the distribution.


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