School District Surtax / Emergency Medical Services Tax

Step Subject
Tax, Credits & Checkoff Contributions
Instruction Year

School District Surtax

School District Surtax / EMS list

The applicable school district is the one in which you resided on the last day of the tax year (12/31/2019 for calendar-year filers), not necessarily the district where your children attend school. Taxpayers without children, or without children in public school, are still subject to this tax.

Your school district may not be the same as the name of your town.

If you do not know your school district name, it is listed on your voter registration card.

Multiply the amount on line 53 by the surtax rate and enter the result.

Residents of school districts that do not have a surtax should enter zero on line 54.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Surtax

Counties may impose a countywide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) income surtax. At this time, Appanoose is the only county that has an EMS surtax. The EMS surtax is included in the school district surtax list.

Itemized Deductions

If you itemize, you may claim the school district surtax / EMS surtax shown on your 2018 Iowa income tax return as an itemized deduction on line 4 of the 2019 Iowa Schedule A.

Go to Line 53

Go to Line 55