
I sent my payment with my return. Why didn't I get credit?

If it has been 30 days since you mailed your check, contact your bank to be sure the check has been cashed. If the check has been cashed, then get a copy of the canceled check, front and back, and send a copy with your billing notice in the return envelope provided.

If the check was not cashed, please allow an additional 30 days for processing.

If it has been longer than 60 days and your check has not been cashed, you may want to consider putting a stop payment on the lost check and sending another to:

I've already sent my payment. Why did I receive another bill?

Your payment did not get applied to your account before the next statement was sent. The billing notice is automatically generated if the system still shows a balance due. It could take 2 to 4 weeks to process the payment, although most payments are processed in seven to 10 days.

If you receive additional notices after six weeks, contact our accounts receivable call center at 515-281-3114.

Why doesn't the due date on the billing notice allow me enough time to get this paid?

Interest is charged on tax amounts due each month from the due date of the tax return. Additional interest is added to the account balance on the first day of a new month. The notice is showing you the amount due through the end of the current month and the amount that will be due as of the first day of the next month. While additional interest may be added to the balance, it does not change the time you have to respond to the notice.

I received a bill and would like to set up a payment plan. Can I do that?

Yes. Please visit GovConnectIowa.

Setting up a payment plan (agreement) is available after the Department sends you a Balance Due Letter, or by the Notice of Assessment that starts your 60 day appeal period.  You can make a one time payment, or set up a short term payment plan by check, bank withdrawal or one time credit card payment.