The Department is excited to announce our new website,, is launching in one week, on July 9!


Welcome to the Iowa Department of Revenue

On July 1, 2023, Iowa's three major revenue generating agencies – Iowa Department of Revenue, Alcoholic Beverages Division, and Iowa Lottery – formed a single agency to make it easier to do business in Iowa. The Department of Revenue is now better positioned to provide all Iowans with information about revenue collections, compliance, licensing, and permits.

GovConnectIowa Rollout 3
New tax types, functionality, and features are now available in GovConnectIowa!
Income Withholding for 2024
IDR has issued new income withholding tax tables for 2024 including an updated withholding estimator.
Government Alignment Bill
Aligning Iowa Lottery and the Alcoholic Beverages Division with Iowa Department of Revenue will bring Iowa's primary revenue generating enterprises together to create a more convenient, full-service customer experience.
Rule Reorganization
The Department reorganized its administrative rules under Chapter 701 of the Iowa Administrative Code.


Administrative Rules - Available for Public Comment; Adopted & Filed
June 26, 2024
The Department has submitted new proposed rules to the Iowa Legislature (Employer Child Care Tax Credit), available for public comment through July 16, 2024. See individual notices for details.
IDR Releases Updated Tax Guidance: Disaster Emergency Tax Penalty Relief
June 25, 2024

Governor Kim Reynolds authorized a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency in response to the recent floods. The Iowa Department of Revenue has updated tax guidance on how people affected by the floods, including those who may have sales tax returns due on July 1, can seek tax penalty relief:

Iowa Fuel Tax Rate Change Effective July 1, 2024
June 13, 2024

HF2128 of the 89th General Assembly implemented changes to Iowa Code 452A.3 regarding the taxation of fuel classified as B-11 or Higher and fuel classified as B-20 or Higher to take effect July 1, 2024.

IDR Announces Livestock Capital Gains Deduction for Tax Year 2023
June 06, 2024

On May 15, 2024, Governor Reynolds signed into law House File 2649 which excludes capital gain from the sale of certain livestock from the computation of net income for individual income tax purposes. 

IDR Releases Tax Guidance: Employee Income Withholding Instructions
May 13, 2024

The Iowa Department of Revenue is issuing updated instructions for employee withholding for wages paid in calendar year 2024.

Administrative Rules - Adopted & Filed
February 07, 2024
The Iowa Department of Revenue previously submitted the following proposed rules to the Iowa Legislature. The following rules have been adopted and filed, effective March 13, 2024. See individual notices for details.