The Department is excited to announce our new website,, is launching in one week, on July 9!

IDR Announces: Changes to LOST & SAVE Distributions

On June 17, 2022, Governor Reynolds signed Senate File 2367 into law. Division II of the bill changes LOST and SAVE distributions from estimated payments to actual amounts collected each month. As a transition, the first two monthly payments of Fiscal Year 2023 (August and September 2022) will be based on estimates and the remaining ten monthly payments (October 2022 through July 2023) will be based on actual collections.

IDR Releases Updated Guidance: Extension for Certain Pass-through Entities and Updates to Iowa Composite Return

On June 28, 2022, the Director of the Iowa Department of Revenue issued Order 2022-02 granting a filing extension for short-year composite returns. The Department has updated guidance to explain this tax change as it relates to Iowa Composite Returns for Tax Year 2022 and Later.

Iowa Fuel Tax Deduction for Blended Fuel Sales

Following Governor Reynolds signature of House File 2128 on May 17, 2022, the Iowa Department of Revenue has released new guidance to explain this tax change, effective July 1, 2022, as it relates to the Iowa Fuel Tax Deduction for Blended Fuel Sales. This new deduction, added to Iowa Code section 452A.8, is intended to promote the use of biofuels by allowing a lower tax rate to be charged when the fuel is withdrawn from the terminal when it is known that the fuel is going to be blended into a biofuel with the lower tax rate after it

Solar Energy System Tax Credits

Division X of Senate File 2367, signed by Governor Reynolds on June 17, 2022, modifies the Iowa Solar Energy System Tax Credit to allow the Department to review certain residential installations that were previously denied due to the expiration of the credit. The legislation also re-opens and extends to June 30, 2022, the application deadline for residential installations completed during the 2021 calendar year for those who have not already applied.

IDR Announces Sales & Use Tax Permit, Return Filing, and Payment Changes

Following Governor Reynolds’s signature of Senate File 2367, the Iowa Department of Revenue has released updated guidance as it relates to Sales and Use Tax Permit, Return Filing, and Payment Changes. Changes to sales and use tax permit registration, return filing, and tax payment take effect July 1, 2022. These changes include (click for more)